Product Discount Codes
Below are discounts you can receive off of products I LOVE! I greatly appreciate when you use my code as I do make a small commission and helps my relationship with companies.
Pony Back Style
Listen up ladies or men with those long luscious locks! This is the best ponytail hat I could have ever imagined. This design beautifully done with a magnetic strip along the back seem so you can wear your hate however you want! High bun, low pony, high pony, half up half down. The fit is amazing and stays on my head during yoga/workouts !
For 10% off use code Madizen10
Fré Skin Care
100% Vegan and Cruelty Free
Fré skin care is gentle affordable and smells amazing! Do I believe these products can replace your facial technician? No! but for every day use to cleanse and replenish until that appointment these products can definitely do the trick!
For every set sold, we plant an Argan Tree of Life in Morocco.They plant 1,000 times more trees than used and love this program because planting a tree has a strong and concrete impact. Planting one tree helps double the annual income of Moroccan women who produce Argan Oil. Each tree also replenishes the endangered Argan forest and ensures the livelihood of local cooperatives for years to come.
Current Fav Products:
I am Love Oil
Glow Body dry oil